Self healing system capabilities, specifically analysis and intelligence shared between Acalvio instances so you end up with a worst case scenario of only company1 getting hit, companies 2,3,4 have automatically learned from company1.
IoT, V2V, V2X etc. This technology, unlike traditional honeypots is NOT contained solely to the standard enterprise environments. Your data is NOT, therefore why should your end-to-end protections?
SMART and SCADA deception capabilities are already being worked on, the concept is that many of those systems are antiquated enough to present threats to critical infrastructure that can’t be mitigated fast enough, therefore by placing a deceptive technology between the attacker and the core systems you provide both an early warning system as well as breathing space to rapidly remediate the issues.
Healthcare, with the advent of Nano technologies and the deployment of these fundamentally groundbreaking concepts INTO the human body for repair and remediate capabilities it’s imperative that security and protection be in place from the ground up…and that’s not happening, therefore what better example than taking Mother Nature at her core and deploying deceptive technology alongside the Nano architecture that can protect the very things that are meant to be saving lives.
Closing thoughts:
The fundamental premise of Acalvio is that prevention is not a sufficient defense.
Neither are we saying current prevention technologies are outdated/outmoded, nor are we stating that they are unsophisticated, quite the contrary.
The last 20 years have focused on preventative methods of security, and overall we have not won the cyber-war. Given that the path we are embarking on is one that involves SAAS, IoT, BYOD, Cloud, V2V, V2X our perimeter is getting porous by design. In such an environment, in addition to perimeter defense and end-point protection, we need a new class of Active Defense solutions. We are strong proponents of a new breed of Defense solutions based on Deception technologies. These solutions that encompass Fluid Deception and Data Science is what we term, Deception 2.0. This is a very significant technology improvement compared to first generation, Deception 1.0 solutions. The capabilities that a well architected deceptive solution offers will provide the predictive and localize the offensive to a managed, legally stable battleground where for once we DO control the outcome.
With thanks to:
The entire team at Acalvio, and everyone else who went through this with a critical eye (and a red pen in some cases!)